Want the secret to being more magnetic? Are you having trouble bringing in the right people you want to be around?

Trying being positive. Not just a little – like overwhelmingly . When people at work fall into those damn sad clichés, counter them. They’ll eventually get tired of you not wanting to be sad and mopey with them. They’ll go find other people at work that love to bitch & moan.

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that being upbeat and joyful is contagious. You never know the story of the person next to you. You don’t know if they are having a great day, or if they are one bad day from calling it quits. You could be that one thing that prevents them from snapping and losing it.

There are a TON of things in this world to weigh us down. Off the top of my head: a shit job, bills, kids, spouse, parents, siblings, cancer, death, taxes, neighbors. All of those things can break a person. *** But the right smile or the right comment at the right time can change someone’s life ***. I’ve seen it over and over.

One last secret about positivity: You may have to fake it until you make it. Fake that smile because eventually you’ll want to do it on purpose. When someone says “Thank god it’s Friday” avoid saying “I know right?” and replace it with “I’m thankful that I have a job today and get to come back on Monday” or something along those lines. Eventually you’ll start seeing the positive in all things. We see what we are looking for – whether good or bad. Look for that good.

Peace & Love.

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We see what we are looking for – whether good or bad. Look for that good. via @patrickallmond

The right smile or the right comment at the right time can change someone’s life via @patrickallmond

If I’ve learned one thing in life, it’s that being upbeat and joyful is contagious. via @patrickallmond

Want the secret to being more magnetic? via @patrickallmond