To all my friends or followers or whoever you are who thought about doing a side hustle, I just want to remind you that a side hustle is just that. It’s a hustle. It’s work. I don’t care if you like it or not. There are no such things as nine to 5 hours when you are starting a hustle. 

There’s no such thing as a Saturday and a Sunday. 

If you just hustle. It’s work. It’s go time. And there are the hustle culture people. There are the nine to five people and the 95 people. And the people who want to take it easy will tell you, don’t ever work too hard. Take some time for yourself. There is a time and a place for that. There really is a time to slow down and take it and do it yourself. 

Not when you want to do big things and not when you’re first starting out. When you are first starting out, you got to put in the hard hours. You know what? But it’ll get better. It’ll get easier. Pretty soon you’ll be taking those nights and weekends off. But put in the work right now.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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