Do you have a peak state? Or do you even know what a peak state is?

A peak state for me is when everything is hitting just right. I’m hydrated, I’m in good shape, I’ve eaten well, I’ve gotten up early, I’ve gotten all of this ready. It took me a while. I’m still discovering every single day what puts me into a peak state. But I’m kind of curious. What else could I be doing? 

I’d love your suggestions, and also, if you’re the kind of person that has no idea what I’m talking about, I would highly encourage you to do some research, watch some of my other videos, or see what you can do to put yourself in a peak state. Now, not everyone has 100% control of their day and time and whatever, but there are things you can do to optimize your energy. 

I’m a morning person. My peak energy is like from five to noon and I make sure that I create my environment so I get a lot of productivity out of that time. But if you’re not someone who’s in the peak state or doesn’t have one yet, I would highly encourage you to research the topic.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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