The world around you is not built for your success and for your focus and for your motivation. These are internal things, okay? Remember that. Focus, success, motivation. 

Nobody is placed on this planet to do these things for you. 

Sometimes we glean motivation from different things. Like you may get some motivation from this right here. Or sometimes we focus on things just because we’re lucky. But technology and things around us and the people in our working environments are not here to help us focus. They’re here to help us be more distracted. They’re not here to motivate you and lift you up and do things. That’s on you, buddy. That’s on you. 

So focus and motivation, those are things you have to do internally. 

And once you learn how to master those, once you learn how to control those, once you learn that your success is 100% relying on you getting up every morning, get off your ass and getting to work, your life becomes a lot better.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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