It’s YabbaDabbaDoo time. Time to stand up and get the heck away from the desk. Do not do ‘one more thing’. It will be there tomorrow. and it will be there Monday. Run, don’t walk, to the nearest exit and go do something for yourself.

Me? I’m headed to the gym. For an hour I can immerse myself in doing what it takes to improve me health. I don’t have to care about marketing. Or LIKEs. Or the weather. Or CNN. Or the cost of gas. When I am in the gym and focused it is ME time.

Go find you some ME time. You don’t have to look hard. Just take a little bit of time away from other people that are not YOU and give it back to YOU. Your ME time should be a high priority for you. If you don’t take care of yourself first, everything else suffers.

Go get you some.