Are you still waiting for the perfect moment to kick off your dream? Are you still not at the right income level? Maybe you don’t know the right people, or you are waiting for the timing to be ‘just right’ in your life, so you have the time to take on a new project.

If you keep up this self-destructive mindset of believing there is a perfect moment, it will never happen to you.

You will never launch. You will never get away from the shore. Your dreams and your passions will always be beyond your reach. You will sit back with a little friend called ‘fear’ sitting on your shoulder. You will watch some of your friends around you achieve their dreams. And you will still be sitting there believing that next week or next month will be the perfect.

For your sanity’s sake, stop lying to yourself.

The perfect moment to start addressing a dream does not exist. If it is a truly a FIRE BURNING PASSION, then you will work through the HEAD TRASH that is holding you back. You will no longer think about ‘when is the perfect’ time. You will have to start thinking ‘I am starting this today. How do I get past my first hurdle ASAP, and then my second hurdle’. You will fall flat on your face and get scraped up. But it is always better getting scraped up doing something you love than not getting scraped up playing it safe on the wall. Will Smith / Robin Thicke said it best: “I don’t want nobody sitting on the wall. If you didn’t come to dance, then why’d you come at all? Here’s your chance.”

Stop lying to yourself. Work through the head trash and take action to get over and around your hurdles today.