While technology is an amazing tool, it can sometimes allow us to get too comfortable with our true friends. We seldom take the time to show the people closest to us appreciation. If we are not actively working on our relationships, we can accidentally take them for granted because we are connected and interact online every single day. And then one day you hear about something amazing or tragic in their lives and you remind them of your closeness by giving them kudos or sharing in their grief. Why not give them kudos or let them know how you think about them on a regular, non-eventful day? 

Here is your chance right now to show a massive amount of appreciation to three of your closest friends, and using the ease of technology to get it done fast: 

  1. Create a list of three people that you have not spoken with voice to voice for the past 90 days.

  2. Pick up the phone and call each one right now. Keep each call short: Less than five minutes. And keep the conversation simple. Tell them you were thinking about them this morning and you just wanted to quickly catch up, so you don’t lose the bond you have. If the conversation goes longer than five minutes, then that is OK also. Do whatever feels comfortable and natural to you. But the goal is to keep it relatively short so you can make three calls without a drastic interruption to your day. 

It should take less than 15 minutes. But the people you share it with will remember it until they go to bed tonight. 

Don’t forget regular appreciation for those people closest to you. You are lucky that they came into your life, and you never know when they might leave.