You know, I can’t believe that for so many years of my life, probably a few decades, I made such a stupid mistake. And you’ve pollinated too. And if you do, I want to hear about in the comments.  

Most people when they wake up in the morning, they grab a cup of coffee and they sit around waiting to wake up. And it took me maybe 20 or 30 years of my life that learning that you cannot sit in action and expect that to make you want to do action. So, I still drink coffee. I may sit around every now and then, but I don’t do it to wake up. I more do it to relax, to enjoy the taste of coffee.  

But for me these days, getting up and getting into action is what makes me get into action it’s what makes me wake up. Nothing wakes me up faster than getting up and moving and stretching and hydrating. Standing up is so much better than sitting down with a cup of coffee.  

I can’t believe I screwed that up for so long. 

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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