If you are the parent of a tween, I’m talking someone between the ages of twelve and 15. Go get them and make them watch this video. 

Hey, my friend, there are two things you need to know in this world to be successful.

One, get good at a small number of things. Don’t try to be a guy who’s good at every single thing or a girl who’s good at every single thing. Get good at a maximum of three things, Max. Okay, three things gets to be such a badass and close to perfection on just, you know, less than three things. 

Number two, most of what you see on the Internet and on tv is fabricated. It’s fake. Its goal is to get your attention and control your mind. 

Not saying people are mind control experts, but most of its marketing, most of it is people that want your eyeballs to stay on their stuff and sell you something, okay? 

Learn these two things and you will grow up to be quite the badass.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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