I was just listening to a podcast as I was on the bike this morning, and I heard a phrase that I may have heard before, but it’s been a while. I need to hear it again. It was called anxiety costs. I mean, if you’re in life or in business for a while, you’ve probably heard of something called opportunity costs. Every time you don’t take advantage of something, you know, you lose the potential revenue, potential benefit of that thing.
This one, anxiety cost, has to do with decision making several decisions in my life that I need to make. Some are big, some are small. I mean, we all have those things all day long, but every single minute that I waste not making that decision makes me more anxious about the decision making a decision.
I think another way to put it is making a decision relieves you of some of the stress of having to make a decision. Straw off the camels back a little bit more every single day. Something for all of us. Somebody else taught me there on a podcast I’m sharing with you. Make some decisions and avoid that anxiety costs.