A geek saved my life junior year in high school, right before the state tournament. I got a 68. I got one test left. Everybody’s bullying this guy. So, I’m like, you know what? He was cool. He never said anything. I never said anything to him. We called him McDougall. I wish I could remember his name. We called him McDougall. So … everybody was messing with him, you know, so I came to his aid. I was like, listen … “Y’all mess with doogoo, you gotta mess with me!” 

I didn’t really know him, so I was sitting, and then he came to the lunch table. He’s like, man, appreciate it. I hear you having some problems in [unstating the class name – because I don’t feel like mentioning it at this time]. I could help you out. I was like, what? You want to tutor me?  

So every day after school, he tutored me.  

And the way he tutored me, I was like, this really is not that bad. It was kind of easy, but because I had self doubts and felt that I wasn’t smart, like, I didn’t even look at it. I’ll never pass. Anyway, so helped me out.  

That’s when I realized that nerds and geeks are very cool people. 

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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