Do yourself a favor. Take after you watch this, take maybe the next five minutes of your life, sit there in complete silence with your eyes closed and think about some of the you’ve gone through to get where you are today. Some of you may have had an easy life. You know, my life hasn’t been cherry or really easy, but it hasn’t been really painful. We all know some people who have been through shit. The wringer. You may want to send this blog post to them. (Video also available as a YouTube short HERE.) 

If it’s you, and you’re a friend of mine, number one, know I love you. And number two, take some time to be selfish and sit there for five minutes and just take in where you’ve been and the lessons you’ve learned and how you got to where you are now. You’re kind of a bit of a badass there. Keep going.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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