Done is better than perfect. And that’s what’s holding up your every single day.  

People who want to get in the world of content creation or just about anything, public speaking, building a course, doing digital marketing, learning a new skill, starting their own business. Most people, the 80%, 90%, are just waiting for the perfect conditions. They are waiting for the right time with the right budget and the right people and the right opportunities. And they’re waiting day after day, minute after minute, hour after hour, week after week for perfect things.  

Today’s blog post (originally THIS YouTube Short video) will be done while I’m out walking. Edited, clipped, uploaded, subtitles added. While I am out walking. You can do the hard quit waiting for things to be perfect. I’m not gonna wait to get home to edit this video and upload it, gonna knock it out and move on to other things.  

Done is better than perfect, sexy.  

Get on your slay on!

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

.… …. …. …. ….

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