You were lied to growing up when someone said that your mom, your dad, your grandma, your teacher said that life was LiKE chess, and you always got to be strategic and make basic moves. No, life is not even remotely like chess. Life is like Tetris, and business is like Tetris …
You have no idea what’s coming for you. You have no idea how fast it’s going to be coming for you. The faster things come for you, the more you’re going to have to turn and twist and adjust. You have no idea of the size of the things that are coming for you, and you will have no idea of the long term impacts of the things that come for you. And all you can DO is make the best decision with the information you have at the time when you wait for the next block to come for you.
So remember, life isn’t a chess board, man.
Life is that fricking Tetris game, which we all love to hate.
But once we get really good at getting maneuvering fast, the pieces that are coming towards us, we can do amazing things.
So have a great day today! And play that Tetris, baby.