Be disgustingly positive.
Many years ago, when I worked for IBM, there was this gentleman, I think his name was Ken, who was perpetually positive. Like no piece of bad news or depressing news could take this guy down. He was always smiling. He was always looking for the upbeat reason. At the time, you know, I really found it annoying, but it also helped me. And over time, I’m not going to say I became that guy, but I feel like I’m that guy. More like, I know there’s depressing going on in the world. I know people are losing jobs, getting sick, getting cancer, losing houses. I know that stuff exists. I’m not ignoring that. However, for my mental health and for the mental health of people around me, I try to look for the positive. So, try that today.
Try to be disgustingly positive even when it’s not warranted. It’ll help you. It’ll help you get through some things, my friend. I promise you it will.