Get the hard done early. This is reason number 17 why I can get like, a lot of work done early in the morning is because of all the difficult stuff I have to do during the day. Physical activity is one of them. I like it, but it’s hard work and you can’t do it while you’re sitting in front of your keyboard. You can’t multitask while you’re doing it. So, because it requires so much dedicated physical effort and mental effort, I like to knock it out early. I got a good half hour, 90 minutes walk, and the rest of the day, I don’t have to worry about the physical part of my day.  

I’m a big Apple fan, so it closes my rings early and it lets me know that by the time I get back to the house, I’ve already accomplished something and allows me to build up that sense of accomplishment. No different than waking up early and making your bed.  

So, try to front load all your hard efforts every single day. 

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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