What do you do when you have an elephant with three balls?  

Get your mind out of the gutter. You walk them and you pitch to the rhino. 

You know, humor is just one of those things that makes life better. If you’re depressed, if you’re going through a rough time in your relationship, business is slowing down, or business has come to a complete halt, you’re not feeling that great. You know, try to find something to either laugh at or. What I really like to do is try to make other people laugh. It just … There’s something about a chuckle … A good, you know … down in your gut, real deep laugh that just kind of breaks up the day, makes you take a deep breath and realize that, you know, things could always be worse.  

So if you’re going through something, I feel for you.  

But, man, try to find a reason to make a laugh today.  

Don’t forget walking and pitch to the rhino. 

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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