How do you control and limit your social media usage?  

Now, let’s be clear. You’re reading this. Or watching this (from the original day I published this YouTube Live video). You spent some time on social media. I made this. I’m putting it on social media. We both spent time on social media. Nothing wrong with that. But I’m just kind of curious.  

  • Do you limit it out of just purely internal self control? 
  • Do you use, like, some of the iPhone settings or some of the Android settings that remind you how much time that you’re spending on social media? 
  • Are you a person who’s seen this video?  

Because this is the first time you’ve been on social media in six months. I’m just curious, for those of you that consume a lot of social media or even a mediocre amount, how do you limit it? How do you control that?  

How do you set, you know, a hard line that says, I will do 5, 10, 30 minutes a day, and that’s it. I’m just kind of curious. Me, I more of an iPhone kind of restriction guy. I look at the warnings the iPhone gives me, but I’m just kind of curious, how do you internally control that kind of stuff? 

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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