If you want to change someone’s mind or convince someone or sell something to someone, here’s the kind of person you need to focus on, not the person who has their heels dug in. You’ve got the person who may be way, far on the end of their spectrum, and you are over here with a good idea and you want to try to bring them from way over here to way here. You’ll never get anywhere with them. Find the people who are not so far way out in the weeds, if you will, who don’t have their heels dug in. Find people who, either from their social media or from your interactions. The people that are willing to listen a little bit, willing to discuss, willing to admit that they don’t know everything. 

The best kind of person you can have a discussion with or a debate with is someone who has ever said to themselves, I am wrong. My point of view is wrong. Or maybe my point of view needs to be adjusted. Man, once I have a discussion with someone and they say their point of view is wrong, I’m not going to try to prove them more wrong. But I know they are open to change. 

Find people open to change.

Aspire to be a better version of yourself than you were yesterday.

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