Are you ever browsing the internet looking for ways to be more successful and more motivated?

Every now and again you’ll stumble upon the blog of a person that is living the life you want to live. They look like they are famous. They talk about their money or other assets. They have a huge social media following. They are loved and adored by all their fans. And you are 100% sure that they are relaxing in their 10,000 square foot house drinking top grade alcohol while floating in their pool.

I’ve heard friends say that they encounter this often. And it is depressing. It is depressing to think that so many other people in the world that are doing so much better than you are. It can be almost painful at times to see that somebody else has no problem buying food. Or making their mortgage payment. Our putting clothes on their kid’s backs.

If you go to the extreme, you might be one of those people who have an extreme hatred for successful people. Why do they deserve to get everything?

You are the one working two jobs and your lights still get cut off every now and then. If you ever feel yourself getting angry when you see somebody else’s life, I want you to remember this list:

  1. You don’t know that person’s history/backstory. They may have been through more hell than you can imagine before they “made it”. Some of the most successful people have been in jail, gone bankrupt multiple times, lost limbs, and have been through multiple divorces. You just never know.
  2. Anybody on the internet can portray anything. That person with the 10,000 square foot house could be in the middle of a foreclosure. You just never know.
  3. Every second you spend focusing on somebody else’s money is one less second focusing on generating money for yourself. That is one of the reasons I spend a lot of time talking about time management on this blog.
  4. There is no shortage of success and money. If you want it bad enough, you will bust your ass to get it. No amount of jealousy or whining will pay your bills.

Pay close attention to #3.

The more time you spend on #3 the less time you have to spend on #4.

If you are frustrated with your lot in life, then stop wishing for something better and stop watching other people have what you want. Just go do it yourself. Now get off the internet and figure out how to generate your own personal fortune.