Tick tock tick tock.

Do you hear that?

It’s time. It’s your life. Moving. Tick tock.

Seconds. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. Are all adding up and passing you by. Tick tock.

“I want to…” “I need to …” “someday I will…” “my goal is….”. Tick tock.

Look around. Are you in the same place you were 24 hours ago when you last thought about this? Tick tock.

In an hour from now will you be in the same place because you sat around thinking about it some more? Tick tock.

What will it take to kick you in the ass today? Tick tock.

How bad does it have to be? Tick tock.

How much have you wanted something before it becomes an obsession? Tick tock.

Like this. Share this. And then keep scrolling into the thing that will make you lololololol from buzzfeed. Tick tock.

Or stand up like a grown ass adult and take control. Tick tock.

It doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t matter to the clock. We’ll still be here. Tick tock.

I’ll see you again tomorrow. 86400 seconds from now. Tick tock.

I do this out of love. But you have to do it out of desire. Tick tock.

Smile. You can fix this. Tick tock.



Tick tock tick tock tick tock.

(Tick Tock part 2 will be out next week.)