Since you’ve been reading our past marketing advice, I’m sure you have an email list where you keep all of your past customers and current prospects updated with company information. There is another hidden benefit to have clients on an email list: You can treat them special. You can reward them for reading your content and taking action on the advice that you give them. When you treat them special, there is a greater chance of them remaining insanely loyal and coming back for repeat business.

Here is an example using MailChimp, a common email program that we recommend for all of our clients: When you log into Mailchimp you can see a list of the clients that are getting your emails. Each client has a star rating next to them.

Do you use Mailchimp?

Follow these steps if you want to make your happy fans even happier:

  • Login right now and click on your subscriber list.
  • Mouse over the manage subscriber’s menu and select “Segments”.
  • Create a new segment. Make the rule on the segment ‘Subscribers who have greater than a 3-star rating’ (see the image in this post). Save this segment.
  • Once a month start sending this segment something special. Let them know they are special by treating them special.

If you don’t use Mailchimp, find out how to do something similar in your email program.