Your life is passing you by …

This is how I talk to myself when I am unhappy with doing what I am doing at the moment. I think you could use this also.

You’ve talked about that cool project you want to do. More than once.

But you have made zero progress on it. You’ll get to it this weekend.

You’ve looked at average people that have several books on the shelf and thought ‘I can do that’.

But you have yet to come up with a topic or write a single word.

You suck your gut in when you look in the mirror naked because you have not exercised in 10 years.

Your garden has weeds.

Your car is dirty.

You are still living paycheck by paycheck.

You hate your boss. You hate your coworkers. You loathe the drive to work. You stare at the clock when you are there.

You have not done anything special for your spouse in a while. Why bother? You are married.

You hate rich people because they get more than you. They have nicer cars. Nicer house and nicer drinks.

BUT …!

You got on Facebook today. More than once.

You stayed up late watching TV last night.

You smoke and drink on a regular basis.

You sit in front of a computer all day long. You’ll do it again tomorrow.

Your life is directly reflected in the movie ‘Office Space’.

 Hmmmm …