Spring is finally here! April, our time for renewal, and planting seeds in the fertile soil. What if this year we really embraced planting new things as leaders? I invite you, this spring make a commitment to spring into Spirit at work.
“There is nothing to be healed only the truth to be revealed.” ~ Ernest Holmes
Let’s reveal spirit in our businesses as we surrender our work as peace, joy ease and love! PLANT These 5 Things this Spring and watch your garden grow …
- P – Purpose, this spring re-commit to the company vision statement. If you cannot do this find a way to update the vision statement. Or choose to move to a company vision you can commit to.
- L – Love – Make a commitment each day to love what you do. Love it or leave it. This world needs people who are alive. Spring into your life with love. Do one thing you love this month simply for the art of loving it.
- A – Authenticity – Brene Brown made vulnerability and authenticity cool with her book The Gifts of Imperfection, this spring be yourself a little more fully. If you love to draw, draw something. Always wanted to take a cooking class, go for it. Be you just a little bit more and surround yourself with others doing the same thing.
- N – Newness every spring we are invited to step into the new ness of nature when we see a daffodil the promise of a tulip or a bee flying by. Take this month and plant a new thought, belief or action in your life.
- T – Trust every gardener who plants a seed has full trust it will bear fruit. They know that a carrot seed produces a carrot and a tomato plant will create tomatoes. What do you trust in? You may not even be aware you trust in your next breath. It’s always there, right? Plant a new seed of awareness in your life. Do you want more abundance; plant the idea of abundance in your mind. Want more health focus on the seeds of healthy eating and exercise this spring and summer.
As the sun returns and our days get longer so too does our energy to plant a garden, plant a planter box or plant something new in your life. I’m not so much a gardener, and I do love the harvest each fall. When you break down planting into these simple ideas purpose love, authentic, newness, and trust this is the kind of planting I could enjoy. Affirm the good in your business and more good will come to you.
We are one heart, and one mind. What will you plant this month to live the life of your dreams?
I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP is CEO of Leadership Solutions International as consultant, speaker and facilitator on leadership and spirituality.
Author of Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association For Success, Holly is a columnist for MeetingsNet/IdeaExchange on the meetings industry and writes a regular international column on the future of spirituality in business for Science of Mind Magazine. She lives in Denver Colorado