I believe that one of the reasons that you and I get frustrated with life is that we are spending too much time thinking about and focusing on the details of our lives.

I would like to offer you a simple solution for you to consider the next time you feel any stress or tension creeping into your life.

Do you drive a car? Do you shop in a crowded grocery store? Do you ever eat in a restaurant? These are very common activities that force us to interact with a lot of other people. And if we are going to interact with other people, they are not always going to the things we want, how we want them, and when we want them then done. They are going to drive too slowly. They are going to take too long in the checkout lane. And they are going to take a lot longer than we would like to bring out our order sometimes.

But if you stop, take a breath, and look at our way of life from a higher perspective – you’ve heard of looking at things from 5000- or 10000-foot view before. When you look at thing from that perspective you see and realize that overall, we have it pretty good in this country. Things move relatively smooth for us. And some of the things that cause us frustration or to get riled up in our lives are issues that other people in other countries would love to have as their problems.

One the hobbies that I have that I really get a kick out of is flying. I literally can take a break from details every now and then of life and look at our city and our way of life from 10000 feet up. And when I do look at our life from that perspective, I feel much better, and I realize that my issues and your issues are not that bad.

So, the next time someone cuts you off on the freeway take a deep breath and think about how lucky you are to have a car and a well paved countrywide highway system to drive it on. Then call me and I’ll take you up and we’ll look at the world from 10,000 feet together.