Have you ever had to deal with a toxic coworker, annoying family member or community member? You know the kind: the glass is not only always 1/2 empty, but it is broken into tiny shards. They always complain about it being Monday, cannot wait until Friday. But on Friday they are complaining about the horrible past week they just had and the forthcoming Monday. They never want to be where they are; the grass is always greener at home, or at a better job, or outside. They blame management and everybody else for their woes. They think every creative idea for getting ahead is a scam. They can’t find the time or money to invest in their self-improvement yes, they have no problem pissing away their money on alcohol.
If you know anybody like this, it’s time to cut them out of your life. Maybe not 100%. But seriously reduce the amount of time you spend with them. They will suck the life out of your hopes and dreams. They will cause you to spend time and money wastefully. And they will limit the level of success you will achieve in your life.
How do you avoid the jackasses in your life?
Here are ways you can plan your life and avoid the time-sucking jackasses:
- Fill up your calendar with predetermined items that keep you productive and healthy. Even plan out your lazy time. This prevents jackasses from filling up your idle time.
- Contact successful people around you and spend more time with them. Plan it out weeks and months in advance. Jackasses aren’t interested in success so by default you won’t be around them.
- Limit your time on social media. Jackasses love to get online and whine.
- Limit the amount of time you spend discussing politics. It’s a dark hole of time that rarely improves you or the world. If you are a jackass, then you’ll love to stand around talking about how politicians and politics is ruining your life.
- Attend events that successful people love to attend. A jackass has no interest in being around successful people.
- Avoid bars and other places designed just to burn time. A jackass loves to drink and complain about the state of the world.
These tips revolve around you being disciplined and executing a planned, organized life. Once you do that, you’ll have no time for time-sucking jackasses to creep in.