Do you ever wake up one more morning and just wondering what are you doing here, and where are you going next?

Recently it feels like I have been doing that more and more. There are places I’ve wanted to be in life, and goals I’ve wanted to knock out. And I am not making steady progress getting there. There are some distractions recently which have really thrown me for a loop. The distractions may be anywhere from a minute to a month, but slowly they have put me behind schedule in life. And that is darn frustrating.

But with these feelings I also realize that recognizing these issues are half of the battle. I know it now. I know I am off track. And consciously knowing will allow me to make the course corrections I need to make to get back on track. Minute by minute the ship is coming back in line with the originally planned course. I go to bed and wake up with a sense of purpose and satisfaction knowing that I’ve made steps in the right direction. Every day is just that – little, tiny steps in the right direction.

Has this ever happened to you?

What did you do to get back on track?