Summer is the easiest time of year to justify doing nothing. What you do each summer also defines the successful and the not so successful.
I find summer to be a great time to read and learn.
For me a balanced life is about growing in five areas mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, and financial intelligence. So, I give you 5 books one for each area. I have read and loved these books. Each one has given me opportunity to educate myself, reflect, choose to change and have great conversations with others.

Summer reading list:
- Mental or business growth:
- Why by Simon Sinek
- Physical growth:
- 4 Hour Work Week by Tim Ferris
- Emotional Growth:
- Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman
- Financial Growth:
- Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
- Spiritual growth: So many books here I wish I could send you my entire library. Here is one of my recent favorites
- Future of God by Deepak Chopra
And a bonus short book:
- The Abundance Book by John Randolph Price
This summer even if you feel your body, mind and spirit telling you to take a break.
Slow down and pick up one of my favorite books as a way to keep learning, laughing and loving the life you are creating for yourself.
Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP is CEO of Leadership Solutions International as consultant, speaker and facilitator on leadership and spirituality. Author of Ctrl+Alt+Believe: Reboot Your Association For Success, Holly is a columnist for MeetingsNet/IdeaExchange on the meetings industry and writes a regular international column on the future of spirituality in business for Science of Mind Magazine. She lives in Denver Colorado.
Learn more at, on LinkedIn and follow her on twitter @hduckworth.